Frequently Asked Questions
What is dance/movement therapy?
Dance Movement Therapy (D/MT) refers to the professional practice of psychotherapy through movement.
It is grounded in the premise that the body and mind are inseparable. The ultimate goal of dance/movement therapy
is to support the experience of wholeness through integration of the body, mind, and spirit (Levy, 1988).
I would like to see a dance/movement therapist. How can I find one?​
How do I become a dance/movement therapist?
Download this brochure on pursuing a D/MT education
I'm an R-DMT and I need a supervisor. How can I find a BC-DMT to supervise me?
Good places for finding a supervisor include contacting the regional Member-at-Large for suggestions,
checking with former instructors, or contacting local BC-DMTs in the area. If you are a member of the ADTA and the WA ADTA, you can access the membership directory and contact BC-DMTs with experience working with your preferred population(s).​
How do I become a supervisor for R-DMTs?
Any BC-DMT can supervise R-DMT's who are working toward obtaining their BC-DMT hours.
How can I pay my WA ADTA Chapter dues?
As a member of the ADTA, you'll need to log into your member account at to renew your membership.
When paying your membership dues, check the box for "Extras: Yes, I Want To Pay My Chapter Dues! - Chapter Dues (Associate, Institutional, Professional)" which is $20.00 - At this time, if you are looking to only pay your chapter dues and don't need to renew your ADTA membership and R-DMT/BC-DMT credentials, you will need to call the ADTA at 410-997-4040. Memberships are paid for one year and do not automatically renew.
Can I shadow a dance/movement therapist?
Contact any DMT and ask if this is possible. DMT's work in both the public and private sector, and often times
the nature of confidential work disallows shadowing by non-professionals. If you are an R-DMT and would like to shadow
a BC-DMT for experience, this may be possible at the discretion of the therapist.
It doesn't hurt to ask, so check out our member directory and send a few e-mails!​